George Lopez Wiki
Linda Lorenzo-Lopez
Lisa Guerrero as Linda Lorenzo
Lisa Guererro plays the part of Linda Lorenzo, George's long-lost sister, in "Feel The Burn" in Season 3 (episode #4).
Basic/General Character Information
Born: Los Angeles, CA
Gender: Female
Family/Personal Facts
Family: *Manny Lopez (father)
Career/Job: School Administrator
Series Appearances
First Episode "Feel The Burn" (Season 3)
Last Episode "George's Relatively Bad Idea" (Season 4)
Played by: Lisa Guerrero in "Feel The Burn" in Season 3
Eva LaRue in "George's Relatively Bad Idea" & "George Gets Assisterance" (Season 4)
Appeared on: George Lopez (TV series)

Linda Lorenzo-Lopez is George's long-lost biological sister. she makes three appearances on the series, first, Lisa Guerrero plays her in the Season Three episode "Feel The Burn", then she's played by Eva LaRue in "George's Relatively Bad Idea" and "George Gets Assisterance" in Season Four.

About Linda[]

When Linda was four days old, due to Benny not being able to keep both Linda and George, was given up for adoption and eventually adopted by Italian parents with the surname "Lorenzo". So, for half of her life, she is clueless without a memory that she is Benny's daughter.

During her first appearance, in the episode, Feel The Burn, George visited her at her office at the school to talk to her, but after seeing how happy she was with her Italian family, he decides not to crack about her real family. However in ''George Gets Assisterance", George, upset over not getting attention concerning Max's dyslexia and his not being able to keep up with the rest of his class, although he passed a recent aptitude exam, is infuriated at a school board meeting at Max's school, when he hears that Special Ed. Classes are canceled and completely caves about her adoption, and her biological mother.

She later visits the Lopez residence after talking to her parents about the adoption and gets informed that what George said is true. But when she next arrives at the Lopez home, Benny, her long-lost biological mother who placed her up for adoption when she was an infant, ignores her, saying "I didn't want ya then and I don't want ya now!" Because of this, George follows Benny outside and has a talk with her about the reason Linda stopped by. Eventually, Benny talks with Linda and gives her the inside on their family and all other relevant details. She also appears at a cookout behind George's house, and Ernie reveals his crush on her. She now spends time with both of her families.

Linda's relatives[]

Linda is the daughter of Manny Lopez and Benny Lopez, the younger sister of George, the sister-in-law of Angie, the paternal aunt of Carmen Lopez and Max Lopez, the step-daughter of Lydia Lopez, the older half-sister of George Edward Lopez (II), the niece of Cecelia Lopez and Joe Diaz, and the granddaughter of Dave and Luisa Diaz.


  • She is portrayed by Lisa Guerrero in her first appearance. However, in two later episodes, she is portrayed by Eva LaRue.
  • It is unknown if Linda knows about her half brother George Edward Lopez II.